Online Maltese MP3 Music
Online membership subscription to

Welcome to the best and largest Classic/Folklore Maltese Music Resource

This site is the only source on the internet that brings you the most famous songs of folkloristic and traditional Maltese music dating back between 196x to 198x. It includes those songs which bring lots of nostalgic moments, memories, patriotism, and revive the feeling of Malta when it was still unspoiled by industry, business and urbanisation.

All this musical treasure can be yours for an annual subscription price of 25.00 Euro. This makes the cost to be less from 0.09cent per song!!!. At this ridiculous price, you will have the best value on the market to purchase the most complete collection of Maltese traditional/classic music hits ever. Audio CDs from music shops will hardly feature more than 20 song titles, while this page feature about 300 songs!

Additionally, for all the karaoke fans, there is also the lyrics of about 40-50 songs. So what you are waiting for... submit your order trough this online payment, wait for about 24-48 hours for the transaction validation and get an annual membership account to download the mp3 music whenever you want. All those unforgettable old Maltese songs can be saved and played on your pc. All songs are MP3 so that you can make your own compilations for private listening in your home or car. Membership duration is one year and you would have for free any additional songs (or lyrics) updated on the site during your membership period.

This form employs a certified secure process employing 128bit encyprtion which guarantees that your details cannot be stolen or passed to 3rd party agents. This is denoted by a lock at the bottom of the browser window and by the fact that the URL (address bar of your browser) starts with https:// instead of http://.
Form hosted on a certified secure serverby (excellent service and prices!)

You can use major credit cards namely VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS (For EU members only) and MASTERCARD.
Accepted Credit Cards

Note that this website will never feature recent and modern Maltese music such as by local stars - Ira Losco, Chiara, Fabrizio Faniello, and other copyright protected material. So please do not email to request such songs, as these can be easily bought from local music shops. Note that this website stands to promote local music, namely those old songs which probably cannot be found for sale and hence lost from reach of the public. Also note that only members can make requests of songs, and we do our best to obtain requested songs through our channels or members,

Personal and login account details

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Your Email *

Email for internal use

Choose a username *

Login Username

Choose a Password *

At least 8 letters long with numbers (e.g. trumbetta$25)

Retype Password *

Retype password for checking typing mistakes

Country *

Product Selection

Purchase Product *

Click the "Purchase" link for more details about corresponding items.


Extra Donations *


Enter any amount you wish to donate and specify between Euros or USD. Leave/enter 0 for no donation.
--> Thank you for your generosity <--

How did you discover the website (if from a website specify which)


Your comments

(or write your delivery address for product items 3 or 4)
Credit Card Details

Card Type*

Expiration date*

Credit Card Number*

    (Do not enter spaces or any other characters)

Card CVV No.*

    3-digit number (CVV) found at the back (signature side) of your card

Name on Card*

AntiSpam Verification *

2 x 5 =           Leave this blank (do not enter anything):

   * = Required Fields
Send Subscription Form
  By clicking the [Submit Payment] button of this form, I certify that all the info is correct and that I am the card holder of the card details submitted above. Hence I hereby authorize to charge the above amount from my credit card.

Product Details

Item 1

Internet Subscription
If you buy this product, you will get membership access to the Maltese Music WebPage to download any music you want in MP3 format without any restrictions. When you enter this page, you will be required to input the username and password that you specify in this form. You can apply for 1 year or 2 years (12% discount = you save 6 Eur)

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25.00 Euro

Item 2

Music Collection on DVD (Sent to EU)
This is item 1 (membership) plus a DVD sent to you with all the music present upon purchase date. The music is in MP3 format so that you can do your own complilations at home. This product is for EU states only and the DVD is sent to you by registered secure mail offered by Maltapost. Please enter your address in the 'comments' text box. A confirmatory email will be sent to you before transaction and shipment.

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35.00 Euro

Item 3

Music Collection on DVD (Sent to US, Canada, Australia...)
Same as Item 2 but for US, Australia, Canada, and rest of the world.

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49 . 90 USD


Further Details


Please be sure to give us your correct email address because your email is needed for confirmations and custumer care querries.

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Input address only if you are purchasing the DVD (product item 2 or 3) to post your parcel to. Enter your address in the comments text box. P.O. boxes, hotels, pensions, hospitals, or other non-personal accomodation addresses are not accepted.

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Login Account

Please submit a username and password that you want to use to to login in the members area so as to download or play the music. These will be asked each time you revisit the members area. Please select a password which is more from 6 characters long and include 2 or more numbers and ideally punctuation. E.g. frank_borg_18. To ensure you typed the password correctely, the form asks you to retype the password.

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Delivery outside Malta is by registered secure mail offered by MaltaPost.

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Custumer Care

We provide all custumer care promptly by email at ( querries like forgotten password, technical issues, bad links, etc are dealt with gretest efficiency, privacy and responsibility.

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Due to abuse and cheating, refund of money for DVD is not possible. Refund for internet membership is not possible too for the same principle of abuse and cheating. For instance one can buy the membership, downlaod the stuff (or copy the CD) and then state that the product was not to his/her expectation. You can see all the music present in the preview page and so one knows exactly what is buying.

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These small contributions will give a very small financial support to sustain the website costs and development. As a gratitude and further support to this vast website, you are kindly asked to donate any amount of extra money. Anticipated thanks.

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For items marked with two currencies (Euro / USD) : Custumers from Europe will be charged in Euros, while those from the rest of the world in USD. The conversion factor from Euros/USD to you local currency is calculated on the date of purchase (submitting form) or next business working day.

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This form is hosted on a secure server - an excellent security service offered by SECURETRANSACTIONS.ORG.UK . A secure form/webpage like this is denoted by the fact that the url starts https: not http: and there is a lock icon at the bottom of the browser window (IE6/IE7). This means that it is impossible that the card and other data sent through this form is seen or stolen by any other persons online. The Data encryption is a paid service from a licensed company in US called Comodo.

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